2012-08-01: So, not a ton of pictures, but it's August 1st so either I add whatever pictures I've got
or there's a dead link.

So, Niklas was making a goofy face and laughing. He apparently did not care to share the spotlight.

Zoe can make even a weird stone lion look good.

Here's Niklas with a... frog cannon, maybe? I didn't take this one.

Today: the slide, next week: Kilamanjaro, September: Everest.

Zoe loves putting on some jewelry.
2012-08-05: So, only one good picture over the last few days. Can you guess who it's of?

It's Zoe! Congratulations to everyone who guessed correctly.
2012-08-19: Well, here are two weeks worth of pictures, including a bunch of baseballing Niklas and
playgrounded Zoe.

Niklas is ready to raise the Jolly Roger.

Here's an early preview of Zoe's Halloween costume. "She's pink and happy!"

Niklas is excited about his costume, too.

Verrrrry excited.

Here's Niklas trying to hit the ball far enough so that his high step/shuffle to first doesn't get him thrown out.

Here are the kids heading to Wrigley on the #8 bus. They aren't on the train because they aren't tourists.

Niklas shows off his new batting gloves while Zoe waits impatiently for ice cream. A PROMISE WAS MADE OF AN ICE CREAMISH NATURE.

White pants and chocolate ice cream are an unfortunate combination.

Front row! (of the second tier of the upper deck, but still)

Here's the view from the seats that weren't really ours.

The ice cream has really kicked in at this point.

This is the face of successful nap avoidance.

Here's Niklas in our actual seats that despite being in the 200 level were not obstructed by the luxury suites or one of Wrigely's many,
many poles.

Here's Niklas with his I WILL RUN THE BASES SUPER FAST game face. GAME FACE!

This is Zoe flying, according to Zoe.

Here's another picture that's pretty much the same. I meant to pick one and delete the other, but we've come too far for that now.

Zoe is excited about her climbing skills.

Queen of the mountain!

Zoe and Mickey enjoy a good laugh.

Here's a Lego tower the kids collaborated on.
2012-08-20: So, here are all of the pictures I had to chose from when I took the kids for their
portraitification last week. You'll be able to see why I have a forest worth of prints in my house right now.
