2012-07-01: Nothing says summer like the beach and baseball. So, on account of how it's summer,
here are some picture of Niklas and Zoe at the beach and playing baseball.

Here's Niklas challenging Lake Michigan to a fight, it looks like.

Zoe is either laughing or grimacing due to the sixteen pounds of sand in her diaper.

I think both kids would tell you that the best thing about a trip to the beach is the snacking.

This is just cute.

Would that we could get Zoe an actual pygmy hippo to ride.

Zoe actually speaks bear, so she and this guy had a nice conversation.

Here's big girl Zoe doing some big girl climbing.

Don't waste your bullets.

Niklas runs off the field at about twice the pace he runs the bases.

Good defense starts with photogenic positioning.

Here's Niklas getting a hit in his last at bat with the Braves this year.
2012-07-07: Here are some new pictures including one of our recent trip to Foster Avenue
Beach. Did I not mention that we went to the beach? I blame the heat. Anyway, the usual Niklas/Zoe ratio has been turned on its head
this week.

Here are my gut and I reading the kids some fairy tails. Goldilocks gets off light in this version.

I think this is the third of the four times we buried Niklas at his request. He's adept at escaping a shallow grave.

I'm not sure the 3D glasses on his head helped, but Niklas put together a bunch of potato headed gentlemen the other day.

Not pictured: Me, doing all of the work.

Do not cross the Space Rangers.

Here's Niklas with Caroline, one of his best friends from Chalk.

Having defeated everyone else in the house, Niklas races against himself in an effort to find some worthy competition.
2012-07-15: So here are some pictures of the kids doing things I didn't mention in the news anywhere.

So, this happens more often than you might think. For instance, I think it should happen never.

Wearing it in this fashion seems more practical.

Zoe needs to work on a hands free type application.

Here's Zoe giving me the suspect face while wearing one of my t-shirts so as to prevent a popsicle-pocalypse.


When I lined this shot up, Zoe was also on that swing.

Niklas contemplates his place in the universe.

Zoe contemplates climbing over a seat on the train.

Here's Niklas scoring a big run at t-ball.

And here's his favorite part of baseball.
2012-07-29: Pictures! Of children! Specific Ones!

Here are Niklas and Zoe taking advantage of their narrow butts while having a snack in the loop.

For your reference, this is a camel ride, not a horsey ride.

Niklas's job is to blow the bubbles; Zoe's job is to stomp on them.


Here's Zoe with her Elmo backpack while Niklas holds a clock for some reason.

Penguin ice cream! Cute!

Cute doesn't trump chocolate, according to Niklas.

Zoe has a very specific case of Olympic fever.

My thanks to the guy who decided to put two steering wheels in this car.

Here's Niklas trying to plot out how he can stay in the ferris wheel forever.

And here's Zoe feeling somewhat uneasy about the height..

Star Trek Tuuuuuuuuuuube!

I've never seen anyone as excited about the rain as these two. Maybe some farmers.

With any luck, Zoe will grow up in a world where this hat is not embarrassing.

Zoe runs the Cackle Dome.

Here's Zoe explaining Yo Gabba Gabba to Papa. At length.

Crazy hair is crazy.
