2012-05-06: Well, I kicked off last month with very, very few new pictures. I see no reason for that
trend not to continue. I did a particularly poor job of taking pictures of Niklas. Sorry, pally.

Here's a picture of Zoe during a brief window when she would keep some sort of accessory in her hair.

Zoe's more interested in looking at flowers than she is at a camera.

Left to her own devices, this is what Zoe picks out to wear. Andrya will no doubt get to work on that.

Zoe had a great time hanging out with Josh this weekend. Niklas did, too, but I failed to document that.

Here are the kids sitting in front of this thing.
2012-05-13: Back when I only had to keep track of one kid, it was much easier to take copious amounts
of pictures. That, or my laziness continues to increase at the same rate it has since I started junior high. Pick one.

So, here's a picture of Zoe eating breakfast. Waffles, it looks like.

Niklas also enjoys waffles. I've got nothing.


Here's Zoe taking a break from her bath to punch her brother. It's safe to say that the system has broken down.
2012-05-27: To make up for taking next to no pictures the last couple of weeks, I took marginally
more than slightly less this week. Please to enjoy.

Here's Zoe getting into the car by herself, as she insists she must even though it takes forever.

Peek! Peek! Peek!

This was going to be a cute picture of Niklas and Zoe together on the swing, but Dr. Rock had to run to his next adventure.

Here's Zoe smiling because she's trying to steal my phone, which is apparently a hoot.

Zoe likes to throw the ball around while we're at Niklas's t-ball practice.

Here's Zoe bringing some much needed class to the playground.

Whereas Niklas likes to bring the ruckus.

This looks cute, but the execution needs some work.

You'd never know from these smiles that there was a brawl over these blankets but seconds before.

Niklas can negotiate a balance beam without effort, but will still fall down sometimes just walking down the hall.

Zoe likes to add a degree of difficulty to Niklas's exploits by shaking the crap out of the balance beam.

Zoe is interested in this noise making device. Very interested.

This guy could climb stuff for days.

Here's Zoe excited about either Elmo or the fact that she put her own socks on.

Niklas t-ball activities go a lot smoother when we're at the park with the playground.

This is like "Fat Guy In A Little Coat" but the opposite and with a helmet.

It also reminds me of this.


Per these guys, they're on a stage, delivering the rock.

It's all rock all the time with this one.

Pigtails are hilarious, per Zoe.
