2012-04-01: Well, my continued slacking when it comes to picture taking continues unabated! I know
grandmas all around are just thrilled with that development. Anyway, here are five pictures that are made just good enough by their subjects.

Here's Niklas solemnly accepting his t-ball medal and all of the duties and responsibilities that come with it.

And here you can see that my systems of parenting and home management have broken down.

Well, this is much better. It would look even better with the brown boots, I'm told.

Zoe is excited on account of how she's drumming on my head.

Here's Dr. Pool pooling it up at the ol' pool.
2012-04-08: So, I've spent much of the evening trying to get vomit out of a car seat. It's
not as easy as one might hope. Still, here are some pictures.

Niklas and Zoe discuss the best way to get the golf ball into the hole. Niklas favors repeatedly whacking at the ball without
waiting for it to stop while Zoe feels that just dropping the ball into the hole is easier.

This is what happens when you put some rocks on a mini-golf course.

And this is what happens when you try to play t-ball near a giant statue.

Here's Zoe wearing the same outfit as last week, but with the requisite boots.

The concerned look on Zoe's face indicates that Niklas is up to something. Something not good, most likely.

My efforts to get both kids to look at me while they were on the swings failed, so here's one of them...

...and here's the other.

Here's Niklas showing off his climbing skills at the zoo. Zoe was furious that she wasn't big enough to climb this thing.

Niklas has ridden the mighty tree frog.

Here's Zoe smiling before the carousel started up.

And here's her more apprehensive expression once the ride started.

Zoe insisted on doing the obstacle course thing at Pump It Up about five times, which I found much more exhausting than she did.


Zoe always wants to race Niklas, though I'm not convinced she knows what that means.

So I guess it's a photo-finish. HAHAHAHA... eh.

This is apparently Niklas's thing now.

Zoe's baffled by it, too.

So, this is... uh... this.

Here's Zoe enjoying some Easter "birthday cake", as she insists it is.

Niklas is determined to beat the competition to any and all eggs. For the record, the competition consisted of Zoe and
no one else.

Here's Zoe loading up some Easter loot.

This is where Zoe discovers that Niklas's basket is full of eggs and therefore a very good place to look for eggs.
2012-04-15: Well, I didn't take many pictures this week, but Grandma Meeker sent along a bunch from
Easter, so there's that.

Here's the egg dyeing before the kids lost interest in dyeing eggs. They both have about a six egg attention span.

Two eggs later, he was still smiling, but he was doing it elsewhere.

Here's Zoe cold murdering a peep-esque easter bunny.

Zoe's excited about her Duplos while Niklas looks like he's showing you what you can win in the Showcase Showdown if you're closest without going over.

Here's Zoe opening a card which belongs either to her or to Grandma.

This book makes potty sounds. You better believe that's popular.

It was a Star Wars-tastic Easter for Niklas

I just don't see how this pose comes about if one is walking in a normal fashion.

At this point, Zoe has apparently seen enough of the camera.

This is also weird. Niklas might have a rubber spine.

Here's all these people.

Zoe likes hanging out with her Godfather.

She's okay with hanging out with me and Andrya, too.

The big drum at music class might be the most popular thing ever (in music class, at least).

There are at least two things wrong with this picture.


Zoe has mastered the straw which would have been useful last month when we went to the burger bar but forgot to take her sippy.

Me: "Niklas, what are you doing?" Niklas: "Reading the newspaper, of course." Of course.
2012-04-22: Well, I didn't take many pictures this week. What? I said that last week? Well, it's as
true today as when it was written.

I don't know what Zoe's pointing at here...

...but apparently, Niklas finds it hilarious.

Here's Niklas being lazy. He gets that from me.

Here's Zoe looking irritated at being asked to pose for a photo. She gets that from me.

This is Zoe re-enacting her favorite part of Dinosaur's Binkit.

Here's the exiting, binkit discovering conclusion.

When Zoe waits for the bus, she does so in style.

I thought this was fairly Tarantino-esque.

We love you, Great-Grandma!
2012-04-29: So, here are some pictures of Zoe goofing about the house and Niklas's Oz Park t-ball
debut which also included its fair share of goofing.

This is Zoe's apparently positive review of Dinosaur's Binkit.

Here is Zoe being defeated by a pair of pants, possibly because she's already wearing a different pair of pants.

Zoe: "Bye, bye, Daddy." Me: "Where are you going?" Zoe: "I go to school."

Baseball brings out the egregiously fake smile in Niklas.

It's not exactly Chico's Bail Bonds.

Here are the Braves no doubt discussing baseball strategy.

Niklas successfully got on base despite having to wear a much, much too small helmet
