2012-03-01: So at this point, I've taken one (1) picture worthy of posting this week. Will I pick things
up by Sunday? Unlikely, but we'll see!

This is Zoe's "Laughing Angry" face, which is much preferable to her "Angrily Laughing" face. Trust me on that.
2012-03-04: Well. Here is one (1) new picture. Has the government launched some sort of photo blocking
satellite into geosynchronous orbit over Chicago? I think that's obvious.

Here's Niklas celebrating Dr Seuss's birthday by making a Seuss-appropriate face.
2012-03-11: This week represents a 900% improvement in my picture taking. That is a lot of percent!
Get ready for tens of... seconds of picture viewing.

So here's Zoe with a Duplo block. It's possible that this week's pictures aren't that exciting.

This is Zoe trapped inside two soccer nets that were out at Niklas's t-ball class for some reason.

Here are Niklas and Zoe waiting for the train. Also it's windy. WINDY!

Wait, wait, wait. At least they're in good spirits.

I don't recall Niklas doing this when he was two.

This is Zoe standing in a hole. Next week's pictures probably won't be much better, by the way.

"She looks like a sad homeless person." - Andrya

Here's Zoe smiling because she likes to swing with her brother.

Here's Niklas smiling because he's trying to kick me.
2012-03-20: So, I don't know if anybody took any pictures of the kids over the weekend, but I did
not as I lack a camera lens capable of taking pictures from 1,700 miles away and even if I had such a lens, I think the curve of the earth
might come into play. Anway, here's are few pictures from early last week and I think one from yesterday.

So here's Zoe simultaneously showing off her new sunglasses while not cooperating with my request for her to stand still somewhere that
was not behind a chair.

Niklas was a bit more cooperative, which I hope means he's coming out of his ridiculous fake smile phase.

I very much appreciate the effort, but I fear we're still a ways away from this being a productive endeavor.

Here's Zoe looking good.

Please enjoy a good look at those jeans, because I managed to kill them in the washer. Or maybe it was the dryer, but the point is, the
awesome orange jeans are dead.


Here's Niklas surveying his kingdom, assuming he's recently received some sort of regency over the CTA.
2012-03-25: Well, now. Here are a bunch of pictures. I'm not claiming I took all of them, mind you.
In fact I'm fairly certain that Grandma Meeker took all of the Children's Museum related ones (thanks!), but still.

Here's Zoe commandeering a random stoop for some looking good.

Zoe looooooooooves her music class.

Today in "Doing It Wrong", there's this.

And also this.

Here's Niklas, possibly conducting some sort of circus band.

Will I pass up and opportunity to link to a picture of Scotty in the Enterprise's engineering tubes? No.
No I won't.

I assume, based on Andrya's expression, that Niklas is causing a ruckus somewhere nearby.

Here's Niklas preparing for a career as one of those guys who drives the handcart thing on the railroad. I'm sure that's still a viable

Zoe's apparently confused that no one's telling her to stop slopping in the water.

"Basket full of fake food? Awesome!" - Zoe, apparently

Flinging fake dirt is also awesome according to Zoe. IT IS NOT AWESOME.

See? This guy knows what I'm talking about.

Here's proof that gentlemen do not know how to properly comport themselves around a camera.

Here's further proof and also evidence that Zoe hangs out with boys too much.

Not pictured: Me instructing the lady to cut Zoe's hair too short.

It's still good, though, right? I think it's good.

Zoe's doing some due diligence re: some bites way down at the bottom.

Science has proven that this is the only way to get Zoe to try to get into the crib.
