2012-02-06: So, what do we have here. Pictures? Sounds about right. Here you can see Zoe walking
about and, in a few pictures, the bloody results of all her walking about. Also, Niklas.

Here's Niklas showing off the medal he got for hitting his coach in the head with a baseball. Those things might not actually be
connected, but they both happened.

Here's Zoe walking about, representing the 773 AND not falling down and bloodying her face. Multitasking!

Zoe apparently feels that her bath time experience would be improved if she were allowed to take fake baby food into the tub. That
doesn't make sense to me, but I'm not one and a half.

Who rocks a hat like Zoe? No one, according to noted impartial judge of such things me.

This is Niklas doing a fairly reasonable impression of his backpack.

Zoe put herself in charge of all of the bells at music class last week.

Sit down on your bottoms, please. Please. Eh.

Here's welt-headed Zoe being photobombed by a welt-free Niklas.

Despite having an abundance of purses, Zoe likes to pretend that non-purse things are purses.

Here's Zoe showing off her new orange pants. ORANGE PANTS!

The warmish weather we've been having has allowed Zoe to appear fashionable almost all winter.

Why wouldn't you want to watch TV upside down?
2012-02-12: Well, this was quite the lackluster week of photodocumentation, let me tell you. On the plus
side, it's much better than I did on our Christmas trip of 2007 when we were travelling for two weeks and I took one picture and it was of
Andrya brushing Niklas's teeth. Positivity!

This is Zoe in her hidey-hole. I'm glad she has pants on here, as that is not always the case when the hidey-hole come into play.

Zoe declared herself to be in charge of the tambourines this week at music class.

You can tell the salsa eating has just kicked off here as there's not that much of it on the table or on Zoe's sweater.

Niklas channels his dislike of salsa into his art.
2012-02-20: Zoe's been slowed by illness the last couple of days, but you wouldn't know it by looking
at these pictures. Well, the picture I took of her when she was sick kind of gives it away. I seem to have ceased making any type of sense
at all. Sorry for that.

Here's Zoe doing her Les Claypool impression. I can't find a good picture of him doing this, but trust me, this is the "IIIIIIIIIIIIII
saw Harold," part.

Bubble Mosh Pit!

Here's Niklas on his daily commute.

Zoe had a good time fighting fires at the Children's Museum. It's hard to get a picture of Niklas there as he gets the powers of the
Flash upon crossing the threshold.

Here's Zoe throwing fake dirt at Niklas. We left this room shortly after this picture was taken.

Niklas did a good job of showing Zoe had to drive the train. Also, he looks a bit like Dan from Clutch.

There are few things that Zoe is too big for, but this dinosaur is one of them. It's not meant to be ridden, but still.

Once again, my shoddy camera work pays off by eliminating the need to blur anything out.

Zoe always cutes it up while waiting for the train.

Niklas opts for a crazier look.

Here's sick Zoe getting some much needed rest.
2012-02-26: So Andrya put Zoe's hair in pigtails today. It turned out pretty well, as is documented
thoroughly below and not just because I was fairly negligent in my photo taking duties this week.

Here's Zoe with the crown she made (or was present for the making of) at the gym's playroom. She was fairly excited about it.

I'd give this dunk a 7. Sure, it was proficient, but it lacked a bit of showmanship.

Who among us hasn't wanted to run about the house with a sibling's underpants on their head? I ask you.

Initially, Zoe wasn't terribly excited about the pigtailening.

She brightened up once she saw how cute she looked, though.

And here she is, still looking cute. Andrya and I were surprised she didn't try to take the pigtailers (rubber bands, I guess) out of her hair.

Let me ask you this: how many pictures did you take this week? Really? Fine.

There's not much going on here, but I wanted to document that Niklas is still around.