2011-10-22: Here are some pictures from Kendra and Deric's wedding. I didn't take them as I was
in charge of collecting the kids when they got to the end of the aisle. That's a three or four limb job.

I guess I could have been taking pictures while this was going on, but Kendra and Deric went through the trouble (and expense) to
pay someone to do that.

Guys looking at the camera while the ladies are distracted? This is the opposite of every photo I've ever been involved in.

Hopefully, the cuteness will distract from the lack of shoes. I guess I shouldn't have drawn attention to the shoe thing like that.
Forget! /waves hand in an extravagant manner

I suspect that Kendra is trying to explain to Niklas why he should root for the Cardinals. We all know that there is good reason.

Here are Zoe and Andrya. Mostly Zoe.


Zoe clearly loves being the center of attention while Niklas is all business.

"No more pictures!" - Zoe
2011-10-31: Monkeys! The mighty Thor! Wedding related festivites! Here 'tis.

Here I am teaching Zoe to play with my phone which I'm sure I'll still thing was a great idea after she smashed it
into tiny, expensive pieces.

I'm not sure how the binoculars play into whatever's going on here, but I'm sure mischief is prominently involved.

Years from now, if I want to see Zoe's "I'm going to puke face" I'll tell her that she thought using Niklas's toothbrush was hilarious.

Tickle fight! I said, TICKLE FIGHT!

Those are two fairly crazy looking faces.

I'm curious as to why no one is putting a stop to this unauthorized laying on the back of the couch. That's the last time I leave Zoe in charge.

Here are Niklas and Zoe practicing walking in a straight line at a reasonable pace.

Niklas took this picture of Zoe looking like it's about two hours past her bedtime, which it was.

Here's Zoe doing her part to class up Belleville.

I took this picture as we were heading to the wedding. I have nothing further to report.

Here's Niklas refining his photo pose.

Zoe apparently feels that it's impolite to wear shoes in church.

There's no crazy like church crazy.

Since I failed to take any pictures of the actual cermony (I was on Zoe wrangling duty), here's one more of the kids waiting
for stuff to get rolling.

"Taking a nap after the wedding is a sucker move AND YOU G**D*** KNOW IT!" - Zoe

Here are Andrya, Zoe and Niklas (you know them) with Andrya's cousin Christine and her daughter Katelyn (who's name may
or may not be spelled that way).

Zoe show's off her wedding wrist flower thingy (official title) back at the house.

This is Zoe wearing a classic Niklas Halloween costume on the Red Line.

Here's Zoe at her music class' costume ball (not so named). Have I not mentioned that Zoe was taking a music class? My bad.

Dragon Zoe is partied out.

I do love it when my children are asleep.

Big hug! Not pictured: me :(

Here's Zoe looking both classy and menacing. That's her thing.

Zoe would love to stick around, but she has an important appointment to smash something up.

High speed crazy

Andrya - "That's the worst picture ever."

This picture has it all: Looking good, eating toys and stepping on the remote.

For Asgaard!

Here's the mighty Thor with his constant companion, a monkey. I may need to brush up on my Norse mythology.

So the trick or treating thing on Clark Street had bouncy castles. Plural.

This is a rare picture of Zoe with a hair clip.

Judging by this face, she's figured out the clip is there and is about to remove it.

This is but a small fraction of the Halloween loot.

Niklas is still not a fan of the pumpkin guts.

Still, a good time was had by all. Maybe not the pumpkin.

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! Andrya taught her that, by the way.

Separated at birth? No.

So, this is trouble.

This is the best picture I could get of Niklas's class Halloween party because Zoe was smacking me in the face repeatedly.

Zoe is a fan of candy.

Here are the kids getting ready to raid Dayton Street. They have so much candy there. Had, I guess.