January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
Octember 2011
September 2011

January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
As I have heard, repeatedly, from many people, it's been a while since I've posted any pictures. Sorry.
Who's the worst at updating websites? Probably whoever is supposed to be in charge of the government's Y2K readiness page
(they haven't updated that in years; I think the Y2K might have gotten them). Second place is me. It turns out that watching
two kids is exponentially harder than watching one. Also, my laziness has increased exponentially as I've gotten older. It's
a winning combination, if you define winning as not updating the website very often. Anyway,
much has gone on! Niklas is spending a few days with Grandma and Papa Meeker and Andrya is working in Boston this week, so
Zoe and I have been left to our own devices. Today, we went hat shopping. Zoe got a new pink sun hat to replace the one that still
has plenty of brim but a much too small head part. It turns out that that's the important part of a hat. Anyway, so Zoe loves
her new hat, possibly because I let her hold it in the car on the way home and she got to eat the tag off of it. Yeah, Zoe
likes to eat non food items as much or more as she likes actual food.
So, today was a good day for Zoe. Not a good day? Yesterday. Niklas, Zoe and I drove down to scenic Dwight (home of one of
our nation's twelve hundred or so Route 66 museums!) to meet up with Grandma and Papa Meeker so they could take Niklas down
to Bloomington. Niklas was very excited about the car ride as he was really looking forward to the trip. (He started packing
last Friday.) Zoe, on the other hand, screamed and screamed and screamed until she blew out her voice. Then, she rasped and
rasped and rasped. Then, she passed out which left Niklas and me with a peaceful seven or eight minutes before we arrived in
Dwight. Once we arrived, Zoe woke up and started screaming. Her voice apparently recovers quickly. Grandma Meeker held her
for a few minutes while I loaded Niklas into their van. Zoe screamed about that, too. Then, we got back in the car and came
home. I assume she screamed then, too, but my brain had melted by that point, so it's hard to say.
