2011-07-31: Niklas knows to lay low when it's hot out. Zoe's still catching up
on that which is why most of these pictures are of her. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

I'm not sure this attire will get you in to any of the higher end tea rooms.

Zoe shows off some teeth: possibly for smiling, possibly to threaten her enemies.

Chug! Chug! Chug!

So far, Zoe hasn't developed Niklas's singular obsession with "driving the wheel". She does, however, enjoy it upon

Hat Party - the children throw hats at each other an me until they each end up with one on their heads.

Zoe won't let a little thing like an horrific late season collapse dampen her love of the Pirates as long as I still get to
decide what she wears.

Here's Zoe either yelling or imitating Godzilla (which I guess would feature a good bit of yelling).

Imagine some sort of ballet music playing here.

Zoe shows off her feet which are about six months smaller than the rest of her.

Zoe explains to me that my interpretation of the subtext in Little Quack is wrong, just wrong.

Not even shoddy photography can hide the snack time smile of Zoe C.

This is Niklas showing off his menace face. Less menacingly pictured: Zoe.

Niklas is heavily influenced by Bushido... a filtered through the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

Note to other parents: save money on toys by just giving your children baskets and empty boxes to play with.

Here are Andrya and Zoe with Andrya's Aunt Margaret. Also pictured: Lurker Niklas.

Grandpap Vennard lets Niklas drive around the yard a bit. He's, uh... very brave.

I'm not sure what this face is about, but I think it's hilarious.