2011-04-30: Some people might say I did a crap job of documenting this month
photographically. I would respond to that by feigning surprise at something behind my accuser and bolting for the door. For
any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas and Cuddles enjoy a walking tour of Chicago's Alley Dumpsters.

After nearly a year off, Niklas returns to the ice.

I don't really know what's going on here. Maybe a Heisman pose.

Niklas surveys the new playground.

The lack of mess resulting from the egg dyeing is a sure sign that Andrya was in charge.

Crazy eyes Niklas is impatient to get to the Easter loot.

Niklas is excessively excited about this bucket of army men.


Niklas likes an added element of difficulty when he's doing puzzles.

This situation is clearly unfair, reports Zoe.

Argh! Ghosts!

Zoe is concerned that Niklas has that evil glow eye thing like that guy from Star Trek.

"Daddy, Zoe is bothering me," continued.

A full season of Zoe's support bodes well for the Pirates.

Here, Zoe auditions for a popular 1930's film series.

Super Zoe uses a backwards bib in lieu of a cape.

Zoe apparently needs more fiber in her diet. Note: I assume cardboard is high in fiber.

Picture of Zoe's First Tooth - Take 1

Picture of Zoe's First Tooth - Take 27

Picture of Zoe's First Tooth - Take 154 (Success!)

Here's Zoe downing a bowl of tiny, tiny star pasta.

Zoe evidently enjoys tiny, tiny star pasta.

Here's Zoe continuing the tradition of my children going to the playground without shoes.

And now she's calling Andrya to let her know about it.

Here are some nice looking ladies.

Zoe has had enough of the pictures, already.

Toys! Awesome!

Zoe celebrates Easter by trying to eat a rabbit.

Zoe continues here Easter celebration by trying to annex some of Niklas's loot.

Finally, some appropriate Easter behavior.

"What do you mean, 'finally'?"


Here's Zoe trying to remove a bit of my hair. I need that!