2011-03-30: So, the Super Bowl era photos are due to me forgetting that we have an
actual camera that we use to take pictures. (Most of the pictures are from my phone.) The St. Patrick's Day era ones are
because I've been slacking like a slacker at a slacker convention where they give cash prizes for superlative slacking.
Niklas and Zoe never slack when it comes to being cute, though, so please enjoy a couple of months worth of pictures. For
any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Space Ranger Niklas has deployed his space wings and his space scowl.

Niklas opts to go into storage until the rain stops. (It's been rainy here of late.)

Here's Niklas singing a song that does not contain any curse words, I promise you, Andrya.

Niklas tests the tensile strength of a stretchy frog whilst I play with some photo filters.

Here's Niklas working on his Neil Fallon impression Also pictured: a leprechaun trap.

So... yeah.

Here's me showing Niklas who's boss. (Note to future, stronger Niklas: that wasn't me.)

Here we are before the Super Bowl that was canceled, as I recollect

"Daddy, Zoe is bothering me." Part one of many.

Zoe doesn't look to thrilled here, but you should see her when I'm pushing. She's much less happy, then.

Oh, optimism.

Here's Zoe figuring out that there are stickers on the bottom of the chairs she can eat.

This is Zoe looking for something more interesting to do.

Zoe shakes the crap out of something.

Old timey Zoe looks remarkably like modern Zoe.

Here's Zoe contemplating some trouble.

And here she goes down the trouble highway.

If Zoe knows two things it's that baths are hilarious and rubber duckies are delicious.

Zoe is excited by the prospect of food.

Here's Zoe flirting with the best looking person in the room.

Zoe can make my winter hat look much more stylish than I can.

Cute face!

Cute face avec hair du crazy.

Zoe knows what's what.

Here's Zoe surveying the goings on at the Children's Museum.

Bath time? Hilarious!