2011-02-28: Well, according to my mother, I have forgotten how to update this website.
I'll have you know that I have tax returns that prove that I worked 70% more this past year than the year before, so there's
your excuse. That fact that we would be living in a box (and not a good one) if forced to live on my 170% income should not
be considered for (insert some sort of logic here). Anyway, cute children: I has them. For any
pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas at his class Valentine's Day party. He's sporting a classy vest and less classy snow boots that
he was too excited to waste time changing out of.

Here's Niklas practicing his "politician shakes hands in a restaurant" pose. He'll have to clarify his position on a few things to get my vote.

This is Niklas, his tongue, Mack from "Cars" and my foot. It's all pretty normal, if you think about it.

And now, the tables have turned.

After a winter of cooped-uppedness, Niklas had plenty of energy to burn at the new playground.

This is Niklas's "the health department is here to see you" face.

Giant potato-head!

Regular potato-head.

Niklas and Andrya mock my inability to put a puzzle together by putting a puzzle together.

Like Niklas and Zoe, Buddy Bear is a big fan of the Steelers.

Wisely, I took this picture before the Super Bowl. Waiting until afterwards would have resulted in my camera being
shorted out with my tears.

Here are my children looking around me so as not to lose sight of Mickey Mouse.

Tickle fight!

The only thing this tug of war needs to achieve maximum cuteness is a puppy.

Niklas and Zoe agree; the stars are the best shape.

This is Zoe operating at near 100% cuteness.

One of Zoe's many goals each day is to devour a sock. Well done, Lady von Hippopotamaru.

Less successful: this attempt to eat peas.

Zoe finds cereal to be both hilarious and delicious.

This is actually the result of two separate and unrelated incidents.

Here's Zoe tearing up the Children's Museum. She could still only go backward at this point, so her negotiation of the
baby track was fairly entertaining.

Hooray for this picture.

Here's Niklas sharing a not terribly faithful reading of Clifford Goes To School with Zoe.

Here's Zoe eagerly anticipating the Super Bowl.

And here she is after Drunky McSmashedface threw that pick six.

Zoe got some books for Valentine's Day, but she was much more impressed with this tissue paper.

Zoe's lack of a forward gear resulted in many hilarious situations.

Or one situation over an over.

Here's Zoe tolerating the teeter totter.

She decided to work on her surly drunk pose while on the swing.

Here's Zoe playing with something she shouldn't.

Here's Zoe playing with something she shouldn't.

Here's Zoe playing with something she shouldn't. There's a precedent
for this one.

This is Zoe once she finally decided to stop chewing on the cord for my bass and play with one of her own toys.

Yay, food!