2011-01-16: Here are a few pictures that demonstrate that while Zoe has yet to learn
how not to smile for a picture, Niklas has mastered said art. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select
"save target as".

In my day, if I had a bunch of toys and phone showing me the movie said toys are based on, I would have looked less

Here's Niklas in his roll as head of the dinosaur fire department.

His responsibilities include telling the dinosaurs where the fires are and making sure the fire truck is stocked with snacks.

Zoe is pumped that pitchers and catchers report in less than a month.

Zoe does not care for traditional methods of ship captaining.

Here's Zoe scooching herself along in reverse. To get the full effect, very slowly move your face closer to the screen.

Fortunately, she got herself stuck before I had to fish her out from underneath the table.

Here's Zoe looking good after her bath.

This is pretty much the same picture, but Niklas insisted that I include them both.