2010-12-We All Know It's Mid January: Well, my neighbors still have their Christmas lights up, so
I can only assume that this is a reasonable time for me post some Christmas era photos. Please note that I took our
decor down in a timely fashion. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select
"save target as".

This is Niklas pretending that he's the Grinch. In this scenario, the bouncy seat is a Christmas tree. After the horrible
damage caused by Niklas Grinching the stockings off the mantle, I was thrilled he wasn't squirming around under the actual tree.

Even old ladies made of legos think that Niklas is adorable.

Here are Niklas and Papa Meeker using the power of the beret to art some stuff up.

Niklas displays his "I'm thrilled to wait to open presents" face.

Here's Niklas looking sharp with his vest/elf hat combination. It's a good look year round.

Niklas and Uncle Eric show off the train depot/cowboy and indian battle ground that they constructed.

Here are Niklas and Grandma Vennard working on the snow cousin to this guy.

This picture shows Grandma Vennard and Niklas playing in the snow. Not pictured: me running back inside to complain
about the cold.

I don't know what's going on with either kid in this picture, but luckily, Santa didn't hold it against them.

Woooooooo! Steelers! Woooooooooooooo!

Here's Niklas helping Zoe open one of her presents while Zoe eats some wrapping paper.

Zoe and Han Solo open some presents with their cousin Katelyn.

Zoe's convinced that this present is made for chomping on.

It turns out that she was right in this case, but when you think that about everything, it's bound to pan out once in a while.

Here's Zoe taking advantage of Niklas's t-ball playing to mess with his stuff.

Zoe is in charge of groceries.

Claude the frog is rightfully concerned about his legs.

Behold! The floor elf!

Here's Zoe in her trouble containment area.


Chug! Chug! Chug!

Here's Zoe getting excited about the prospect of food, as is her wont.

Peas! Exciting!

Peas go in...

...and are a huge hit as this obviously contiguous reaction shot shows.

An owl designed for chomping on? Even if it's not, that's what it's in for.

Zoe is excessively entertained by this dog with flopping ears.

Here's Zoe with a bow on her head. Please note that I find putting things on children's heads to be hilarious.

Zoe and Grandma hang out with some crinkly toys.

This is Zoe's "why are you bothering me, I'm playing with mommy" face.

Here's Zoe looking like she's just finishing up a head spin.

Sea Captain Zoe uses her feet for navigating.