Zoe thinks the word 'Boo' is hilarious.
Zoe Challenges Niklas's Chicago Residency

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  • 2010-10-03: So, what's been up over the last few weeks? Well, I'll tell you.

    Niklas had his birthday party here at the house. There was only a tiny bit of blood, so it was obviously a success. The guy who thought three and four year olds could be trusted with stirring pizza sauce was perhaps a bit off base, but there were no major debacles and a good time was had by all. Niklas got some awesome presents and ate a bunch of cake, so he was pretty much living the dream.

    Niklas has also started a new T-ball class which he really likes. He's almost conceded that he's right handed, but occasionally when they're playing the "throw as many balls at the coaches as quickly as you can" game, he'll give ambidextrous-ness the left hand a shot. It reinforces (to me and his coaches, anyway) his right handedness. He's doing a really good job of hitting the ball and he no longer tries to run the bases backwards, so the class has been a definite success.

    Zoe has been smiling and laughing up a storm of late. It's pretty awesome. She'll smile if you smile at her, if you tap her hands or if you put your hands over your head and say "up". She's also developed some ticklishness, so that's a good time. She's also been rolling over a lot and scooching herself about her crib.

    So, I had my wisdom teeth taken out last week. "Why would you do that right before Andrya goes back to work? That seems pretty stupid," is what I'm sure you're saying. Well, you're right. Also, shut up. So anyway, both Niklas and Zoe paid a visit to the doctor last Friday. They're both very healthy. Zoe is apparently tall and thin for her age, which is, as I understand it, a thing for ladies, so there's that. Niklas is just big all around.

    As I mentioned above in what would have been a vicodin haze last week but is now just a dull ache in my face haze, Andrya started back to work this week. The first couple of days have gone remarkably well, given that I have to spend three or four hours a day complaining about my face pain to no one in particular. Yesterday, Zoe and I went to t-ball with Niklas. Zoe slept through half of it which is remarkable given the amount of racket a dozen or so three and four year old boys can generate. (It is a notable amount of racket.) Niklas is getting much better at throwing the ball and his hitting remains impressive. His listening ability continues to walk the line of acceptability. After t-ball, Zoe yelled about how I didn't put her down for a nap in time thus further delaying her nap. She needs to work on her time management skills. In the afternoon, we took advantage of the unseasonable warmth to do some tricycle riding (Niklas) and work on our walking about while feeding Zoe skills (me and Zoe). Quoth Niklas: "I don't like riding over bumps." Zoe didn't say anything of note, but she did shoot me a couple of annoyed looking glances. Both kids were thrilled when Andrya got home in evening. There was a whole lotta Zoe smiling and crazy Niklasness.

    Today, Zoe and I took Niklas to preschool in the morning. There's always a bunch of traffic insanity in front of the school (which is next to a K-12 populated exclusively by students whose parents are unaware of American driving customs and traditions) at drop off time, so I like to park a couple of blocks away and just walk over. It was on this brief walk that I discovered that Zoe's diaper had leaked some poop. Have I mentioned that I didn't take the diaper bag since we were just running to the school? I didn't? Well, I didn't take the diaper bag. My new policy is always take the diaper bag. Luckily, Zoe was cool about the whole thing.

    Because I never remember to mention it, let me lead with the fact that Niklas calls Hungry Hungry Hippos "Hippie Hippie Hungos". That is pretty awesome. Anyway, the weather here has been pretty nice, so I've tried to get the kids outside a bit. It's a challenge since Zoe has yet to consolidate her naps and she's still rolling with a one hour up/one hour down scheme. Still, we were able to take a trip around the block the other day that featured Niklas tricycling about whilst I fed Zoe a bottle while she was strapped into her snugli. That worked out well as I was able to throw the empty bottle and a spit up covered bib in the tricyle's rear basket thing and make Niklas convey them about for me. Yesterday, we went to the playground where Niklas ran around crazily as is his wont while Zoe looked vaguely annoyed and nursed a bottle.

    Zoe has shown quite a bit of interest in a rattle of late. She'll grab it, shake it and sometimes chat at it. Unfortunately, she also used it to smack herself in the nose the other day. That led to a bit of screaming, but no real ill effects. She apparently doesn't hold a grudge as she's played with the rattle many times since then. Or maybe she's plotting some sort of long term revenge thing against it, I don't know.

    School and t-ball continue to go well for Niklas. He's in a soccer class, too. It's through the park district and I suspect that the instructors are completing some sort of community service with their involvement. His friends Aaron and Layla are in the class, though, so he still has a good time.