Part 1-Part 2-Part 3-Part 4-Part 5

Here are Niklas and Flippy picking out the pumpkin that would eventually become this masterpiece.

Niklas celebrates the end of pinny wearing forever.

Here we see a herd of four year olds chasing the elusive soccer ball.

Niklas's stint as goalie went pretty well. The one shot the other team managed on goal hit him square in the legs.

Here's Niklas at a party at Pump It Up. You can't tell from this picture, but the girl in the pink has a pretty serious crush on our boy.

I don't know why this picture of a girl poking Niklas in the back amuses me so, but it does. Take that, Niklas's back!

Niklas is apparently frightened of Flippy's scary ghost costume. That, or he has no interest in having his pictue taken.

This is Niklas about to show of his catching skills. He actually has some, which puts him one up on me.

Niklas particularly likes this drill which involves kicking a cone on account of how that's awesome.

Niklas shares one of his favorite baby books with Zoe. It's about booze.

Zoe now knows all there is to know about the Stewards from Wall-E.

Here's Zoe enjoying some time with Niklas.

And here she is not having such a great time.

Note to self: next year, take pictures of kids in Halloween costumes BEFORE trick or treating. BEFORE.

Here's Zoe worn out after partying too hard at Alice's third birthday celebration.



Here's a shot of Zoe as part of our quest to get a picture of her in her Christening dress where she is not screaming.

This awesome Zoe picture is only slightly wreced up by some dude's arm.

Here's Zoe looking cute while continuing with her current project wherein she tries to eat her own hands.

Zoe has a fairly upbeat attitude when it comes to the Pirates.

This dress looks awesome. I have nothing further to report.

Zoe and Andrya like to stand around looking good.

Zoe gives whatever you just said a thumbs up.

I don't know what this face is all about.

Zoe looks vaguely irritated on account of me crashing her mommy time with incessant photographying. Sorry, Zoe.
2010-11-28: I remember trying to take a picture of Niklas for our Christmas cards three years ago.
Apparently, I learned nothing from that, as we tried it this year with Niklas and Zoe. Please enjoy many, many pictures of my children not
caring what our Christmas cards look like. Also, there's other stuff. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select
"save target as".

Here's Niklas scoring a run in t-ball. Needs more showboating.

Niklas shows off his great works in play doh.

Here's Classic Cute Face Niklas.

Niklas admires a drive. Or the mess he's made. Either way.

Niklas is less than enthused about the upcoming Christmas card photo shoot.

Fortunately, he can cover that up pretty well.

Niklas shows off some high end Thanksgiving art.

Niklas and Aaron are not as enthused about this Chuck E Cheese ride as the animated cat promised they would be.

This is Niklas's "wonderful, awful idea" face. Why yes, he did watch the Grinch three or four times today.

Yeah, you guys look cute, but not card cute.

Here's some hysterical laughter at my request that we hurry up and take one good picture already.

I'm not sure what they're looking at here. Maybe there was a cinch bug on the ceiling over my head.

This one's not bad. It's not going on our holiday cards, but if it did, it would have looked like this

Zoe's still pretty excited, but Niklas's enthusiasm was starting to wane at this point.

And here, it's pretty much gone. Also, Zoe has started to try to eat her hand.

And now, the wheels are off.

After a bit of a break, Niklas is back to crazy while Zoe looks on with concern.

Here, they're both listing to port for some reason.

This one's not bad, but Zo's more interested in her brother than the camera. I get that; he's fairly interesting.

So close. Unfortunately, Niklas has chosen to go with the "I'm saying cheese" face.

Worst picture of Zoe ever? Quite possibly


Looking cute can wear you out. I wouldn't know, but I get that impression.

And then, we celebrated the end of picture taking with a trip to the Goose Island... several days later.

Zoe's about to eat cereal for the first time. SHE IS EXCITED!

Excitement has given way to tolerance.

Tolerance to begrudging acceptance.

And here we are right before the yelling begins.

Here's Zoe hanging out at the playground while her brother does whatever it is that boys do.

Nothing beats mommy time.

Here's Zoe helping to make Thanksgiving dinner. She's a bit unclear on how it goes.
