2010-08-24:I suppose I either have to post a picture update or prepare for a beatdown from any number
of grandmas. I'll save myself the embarrassment.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas will portray Indiana Jones in The Quest For The Missing Plug.

Here's Niklas enjoying his favorite part of the movies: the candy.

The real puzzle here is why Niklas isn't dressed yet.

I doubt Indiana has playground equipment this awesome in its rest areas.

If Niklas could add, I'm guessing he'd be more of a blackjack guy.

Stab, stab, dig. Stab, stab, dig.

Grandpap Vennard has much more faith in Niklas's pitchforking skills than I do.

Authorized Hose Usage


Niklas makes up for his hose shenanigans by washing grandma's car.

Looking good so far...

Now I'm washing the car while Niklas enjoys a popsicle. Well played, Niklas.

Niklas drives his grandma and Gordie around in the Gator after kicking me out of the passenger seat.

Niklas conquers the Dinosaur King of Hindsboro.

Niklas conquers one of the Lesser Dinosaur Dignitaries of Hindsboro.

This whale or airplane or fish or whatever? CONQUERED.

Here's Josh helping Niklas work on his zipline skills.

This is Niklas and Aaron in the elaborate child trapping climbing net at the zoo.

Niklas's good friend Cuddles gives Zoe a kiss.

Niklas and Zoe pay a visit to Alice and Thomas.

Here are Niklas, Zoe and the dolly Niklas got for Zoe when she was born.

I've got no issues with these people.

Here's Zoe moving objects with her mind.

This face? I see this face more than a bit.

Zoe can pull off the rainbow top. I cannot.

Zoe's expression pretty much sums up the Pirates season.

Here's Zoe looking good after a bath. Zoe is pro bath.

This is Zoe taking in the sights during her first stay at a hotel.

Clearly, Andrya dressed Zoe this morning.

This is Zoe working on some tummy time, which is pretty much like going to the gym for babies.

This is Zoe's response to the suggestion that she do some exercises.

Here's Zoe's compromise outfit: the Pirates top with the girly socks. I'll cede the socks.

Grandma needs to work on her storytelling.

If the cute in this picture could be harnessed, it would power Chicago for a week

Zoe brings the rock."

Did you disrespect the Pirates? Zoe doesn't care for your attitude.

Here's Zoe bringing a touch of cute to the doctor's office.

This is pretty much the best picture I can get of Zoe when she's in her Snugli.

Zoe feels pretty good about the way she looks in this hat.

Here's Zoe giving the suspicious eye to Jacob and Thomas. MAINTAIN YOUR SUSPICION, ZOE.

Here's Zoe with Grandma and Papa Meeker at the happiest place on earth: The Goose Island.

Who's still not excited about her Christening dress? Zoe. Zoe is not excited.

Surprise face!

Cute face edges out surprise face.
And on an unrelated note:

This is where Niklas was born. It's a psychiatric hospital now. Do with that what you will.

Niklas finds street sweepers to be awesome. Zoe hasn't mentioned anything about them.