2012-11-08: Well, a full week into the month, I've taken two semi-decent pictures of my children. I'm
sure more pictures will be taken next week when Andrya and I are on vacation and Grandma and Papa Meeker are watching the kids.

So here's Niklas doing his Superman impression. He's not even affected by space rock.

Here's Zoe showing off a swing that's at least as good as her brothers.
2012-11-25: So, here are some pictures of the kids. They were up to quite a bit while Andrya and I were
out of town.

Here are Niklas and Zoe in a tent, apparently.

The pre-practice stretches are Zoe's favorite part of t-ball.

Zoe seems to have hit the ball through a portal to... somewhere else. It's late.

Here's Zoe showing off her medal for t-ball or at least her hands which it's safe to assume contain that medal.

Here's Zoe with the people brave enough to attempt to teach two year olds how to play baseball.

Zoe and Papa work on a masterpiece that may rival their drawing of a monkey on the trunk of a car.

This is apparently IT support. I recommend that you really, really make an effort to figure things out for yourself before calling them.

Niklas shows off his serious science face while working on his science project. We did not have science projects when I was in kindergarten.

So much going on here: potential guitar smashing, medal wearing, incongruous shoes/attire...

Here's Niklas telling his classmates about the wonders of electricity.

And here he is doing the same thing while wearing an awesome lab coat and some goggles.

Don't get science in your eye, Niklas!

Papa Meeker explains construction basics to Niklas and Zoe.

I feel like Zoe would do better with a hammer.

Zoe seems pleased with the project's progress.

I'm pretty sure that this is how the pilgrims punished peeping toms.

Now I wasn't there for this, but I've got cash that says at least one of those things was thrown.

This is Niklas' "I'm having my picture taken face" these days, but I assure you, he was having fun.

Here, too.

There's never a question with Zoe, though.

Catching fake fish is quite exciting, it would seem.

That's Niklas on the left.

Here's Zoe hanging out and looking good.

One thing Niklas really likes to do is go to the Home Depot and try out the new toilets.

Here's Zoe about to make a move on a bowl of corn.

This is just seconds before the kids tore into the cranberry sauce like some sort of analogy that's really good.

Here are the kids opening some early St. Nicholas Day gifts from Grandma and Papa Meeker.

Zoe got a puzzle. She's really into puzzles these days.

Here's Zoe maintaining her puzzle excitement.

Niklas and his teammates celebrate a touchdown or at least one of them holding the ball.
