2012-12-04: So, I spent last month pretty much not taking pictures. I've turned thing around this
month, by... not taking that many pictures yet. Lots of time left this month, though.

Accessories make Zoe happy, it would seem.

Noisy accessories are also popular.

Here's Zoe representing Altoona, PA.

Zoe doesn't mind waiting in line if Santa's at the other end.

Here are the kids after making their case for presents. Their smiles would indicate that it went well.

Sometimes I wonder what part of Niklas's brain his hands are attached to.

Funny mirrors. Niklas likes them.

I don't think this picture really captures how excited the kids were to see Santa, but they were REALLY excited.
2012-12-10: Well, I had a lengthy, eloquent introduction prepared but then my computer crashed. So,
here are a bunch of pictures that prove that the kids do things upon occasion.

Zoe holds a slight lead over Josh in this round of the Eliminator.

Here they are after Josh convinced Zoe not to go down the twenty five foot slide head first.

Zoe takes advantage of the bouncy house to work on her mosh pit skills.

This is funnier if you imagine Zoe going "Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrr!"

Here's Zoe about to Townshend up the slide.

Zoe's entire game is above the rim.

Here's Josh helping Niklas hang a Steelers ornament proving that Josh loves Niklas.

This picture doesn't really convey the thousand mile per hour out of controllness of Niklas's approach.

Niklas is going for a Yoda thing here.

This is just a good picture of Zoe.

You will not find two cuter reindeer. See?

Here's Josh helping Zoe sit "up up high".

Niklas and Josh discuss Angry Bird strategies.
2012-12-17: So, here are some new pictures of Zoe and even a couple of the increasing elusive
Niklas. It's almost as if his being at school all day makes it harder to take his picture.

Zoe demonstrates the perils of leaving one's hat and gloves unattended.


Remarkably, this setup is not that noisy.

Here's Zoe all reindeered up for a viewing of Rudolf.

This is from Zoe and Andrya's trip to the suburbs last weekend. I guess the weekend before the last one. Yes, I am on top of things.

Fun fact: Zoe has about ten pairs of different color hair bands, all of which she made me try on before we arrived at orange.

Zoe's not blinking here; sometimes her "cheese" face involves exaggerated squinting.

Here's Niklas with a partially completed Avenger's jet which has since had the "partially" removed from its title.

Here's Niklas working on a graphic novel about his trip to Disney World last year.
2013-01-05: So, here a bunch (a smallish bunch, I'm afraid) of pictures I took over Christmas that
feature Niklas and Zoe. There are a few pictures that Grandma Meeker took, too. If I can get the one's Grandma and Grandpap Vennard took
(hint hint), it will bump the holidays up from "poorly documented" to "not as poorly documented as possible, I guess."

Here's Niklas showing off the rock climbing skills he built up in Bermuda. The three years he's been back have not helped in this area.

Zoe doesn't care for society's conventions of hat positioning.

Here's Zoe eating the icing off of a cookie at the PwC Children's Holiday Party Spectacular. Did I not mention that she and I went to
that with Andrya? Well, we did. Zoe had fun.

This is the only picture I took of the kids opening presents this year. This was on Christmas Eve. It's fairly representative, though
Christmas morning was louder and faster. This is basically the Yardbirds to Christmas's Zeppelin.

Here's Niklas with the NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE he got from Grandma Smith. Yes, I know it looks like a car.

This horse adds dancing to noise. Zoe's doing her best approximation of the horse dance.

So yeah, thumbs up for the horse from Zoe C.

Here's Zoe about an hour after opening her Christmas presents. Too much fun was had.

Niklas, having a bit more Christmas experience was a bit less wiped out.

Andrya and Zoe spent a long time on Christmas trying out their interior design skills with Zoe's new dollhouse.

"Duh duh duh-duh duh-duh duh duh circus."

Here's Niklas reading "Wreck-It-Ralph" to Grandma Vennard. Andrya took him to see that on Thursday in case I fail to mention it. He loved it.

This is actually from today. Niklas had a hand with a bunch of draw twos. He thought that was cool.

Traveling back in time to the 23rd, we find a smiley totem pole.

The kids are remarkably calm here given that there are presents to be opened under the tree.

Here's Zoe with Uncle Eric and Shauntona.

And here are all of these people.

Here are the kids opening some presents from Grandma and Papa Meeker. I didn't take this one, so what I said earlier about not taking
any other present opening pictures was not a lie.

The best part of this picture is that Zoe doesn't even like cookies that much.

Here's Andrya, Zoe and Stella. Stella has a party dress on like Zoe which Zoe thinks is awesome and Andrya really thinks is awesome.
