2013-01-09: Well, you'd think that by this time of the month I'd have take an dozen or so pictures
of the kids. While you reflect on your foolishness, please enjoy this one picture from 2013 that I've already posted in the last December update.

Here's Niklas scheming how to maximize his use of Draw Twos.
2013-01-20: Three weeks into the year and I've finally got some pictures! What do you mean that's
the opposite of good? Oh, I see. Anyway, here 'tis.

Here's Zoe showing off her new swim gear. Do you think that's cute? I hope so, because there's several more of those.

Here are Niklas and Zoe... fighting crime, maybe? Let's say fighting crime.

This is what Zoe's swim cap looks like when someone competent (Andrya) puts it on her.

I'm currently operating under the theory that the fins minimize risk and maximize performance.

Here's Zoe waiting her turn patiently at t-ball which is something she never does at home.

Zoe slaps gappers like it's her job and she has Andrya's dedication towards work as opposed to mine.

Niklas made this at school. It's pretty awesome, even with the spelling errors.

Here's Zoe looking good with her Penguins jersey and her fancy red shoes.

You know who brings the rock with maracas? Zoe. Zoe brings the rock.

"I'm a good puzzler." - Zoe

Here's Zoe looking irritated that I'm interrupting her playground time.

So this is pretty much what Niklas does for twenty minutes after school every day.

I guess they also pretend to brawl sometimes. I prefer the running.

See? She wasn't bragging about her puzzle skills.

Here's Zoe showing off her swim class shirt. We didn't see any naked old dudes at class, so that puts her one up on her brother.

Zoe manages to look classy in the dentist chair.

These guys, on the other hand...

Zoe is prepared for the cold and possibly for ninjas.

There's one! Get him, Zoe!

Here's Niklas sketching a Clone trooper. He's doing prett well with his drawing.
2013-01-29: Well, here are some pictures I managed to take before my time was occupied soley by
having the flu and cleaning up the output of our family flu production facility. Flu.

Zoe is a fan of the parachute game in music class. You can't really see it in this picture (it's the blur in the lower right), but two of the boys in class were straight
brawling the entire time the parachute was going up and down.

Here's Zoe putting a girlish twist on Han Solo's Hoth attire.

I'm not sure what's up with this.

These guys do seem to get along suspiciously well. i suspect a plot of some sort.

Here's Zoe reacting much better to being asked to walk in the snow than she did last year.

"Woooooo, snow!" said the girl who didn't have to clean up after people tracking snow into the house.

Here's a penguin Niklas made in school.

And here is said penguin in context.
