2013-04-03: Well, if there's one thing that slacking for three weeks between photo updates will get
you, it's a lot of pictures. So, here are a lot of pictures.

This looks like Zoe about to go down the slide, but it's really her after she's climbed up the slide.

And here she is climbing up the slide again.

This man looooooves to have his picture taken.

Here are Niklas and his friend Andy running for some reason. Or, more likely, no reason.

Niklas is very much about both reading and looking stylish in his pajamas.

For some reason, the kids find the observation platform at the gym where Zoe has t-ball to be hilarious.

Here's Niklas trying to use the force it positively impact his bowling. It worked.

Zoe was more interested in macaroni and cheese than Niklas's skills on the lanes.

To get the real impact of this picture, yell some high pitched nonsense while you look at it.

This is either a gas leak at music class or the "elephants are sleeping" song.

Wasn't the gas, I guess.

Here are the kids checking out some large scale 70s public art.

Here's Zoe trying to figure out how to climb to the top of some large scale 70s public art.

This is about as far as she got with that.

I call this picture "someone's going to get brained with that shovel".

Zoe's not afraid of manual labor.

Niklas wisely goes with a supervisory role.

I'm not sure what Niklas did to get himself thrown so far off of the job site.

Luckily, Grandpap Vennard has control of the brakes.

Watch where you're going, Zoe!

I see that when Niklas watches where he's going, he tries to run me over.

Here are the kids making a mess and also some cupcakes with Grandma Vennard.

Zoe's quest to get a look at the cats wasn't nearly as successful as her efforts to look at Gordy (though that doesn't look that
successful in this picture).

You can't really see it, but Zoe keeps her purse with her when driving farm machinery.

I think Niklas is being some sort of... ninja magician?

Here's a more reasonable looking Niklas and Zoe getting into some Easter loot.

Egg riot!

It wasn't really that riotous. They had a good time with it, though.

There was some discussion as to whether the Easter Bunny flew or hopped to deliver this particular egg.

Here's Zoe playing train with some other kids after saying "Hey, guys, lets play on the train."
2013-04-07: Did you enjoy last week's big update? Why not check it out again after looking at the
paltry three photos I took this week?

Here's Niklas playing a game the six year olds like to call "toilet flush". It involves going down this slide while someone yells

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm."

Here's Zoe with a bubble on her head. She seems excited about that.
2013-04-14: Good news, everyone! I've got twice as many pictures for you this week as last! Of course,
since I only posted three last week, it's still not that many. I guess the exclamation point probably wasn't necessary.

So Niklas's little league team this year is the Orioles. I guess that's obvious.

Here's Niklas smiling and Zoe making her "baseball face" which is basically confusion, I guess.

Zoe is wearing her hat here because Niklas is wearing a hat.

Plus side: it's a good looking hat.

This is what Zoe thinks of all this picture taking.
