2013-05-12: Well, it turns out that in order to post an impressive photo update, all I have to do
is wait about a month between them. Here 'tis, then.

Pajama party!

Niklas is going to need some oxygen.

Pants hats are making a comeback.

Here's Zoe doing a more traditional score.

Niklas is the reigning champion of the Tour de George Street.

This look is pretty much unbeatable.

Here's Niklas breaking out his home run trot as he always does, home run or no.

Will I ever think pictures of children on the toilet aren't hilarious? I hope not.

Here's Zoe's tribute to Kriss Kross. She does enjoy a good jump, jump.

This is the kids and me at the top of that monument thing in Indy.

Pretty much nothing in this picture makes any sense.

Who likes the playground? Zoe. Zoe likes the playground.

Especially if it has some swings.

Here's Zoe looking a bit like PJ Harvey in the 50 Ft Queenie video. Well, they both have sunglasses on.

This is a rare photo of Zoe with a pony tail. Suffice to say, it didn't last long.

Me: Say cheese, buddy. Niklas: (does whatever this is)

Is there a playground equipment climbing championship for two year olds? I'd enter Zoe in that.

It's too bad this isn't a video, because Niklas is doing a fairly entertaining dance her.

"Your daughter is too close to the water." - Andrya

Twice the hats is twice the fun, per this lady.

Here's Niklas doing his homework on a computer. I didn't have a computer assignment until college.

Here are Niklas and Andrya on their way to the Mother/Son dance at school. There's some excellent video of Niklas dancing I'll post soon.

The Orioles discuss the finer points of baseball, including "don't play in the dirt" and "try to pay attention".

This is some solid defensive posture.
