2013-06-09: Here are a bunch of pictures that feature baseball, the playground or
some sort of pedal driven device. Sadly, I have not yet got the children in sufficient shape to power the house with a pedal powered
generator, but we're working on it.

This is what happens when Niklas leaves his toys lying around.

Hang-ging around, hang-ging around...

This is representative of Niklas's first couple of days of riding without the training wheels.

I apparently forgot to post this picture from Indianapolis earlier, so here's this picture from Indianapolis.

This is Zoe's biker gang face.

Today the sea wall, tomorrow a slightly larger wall, eventually, a mountain on top of which she will punch someone in the face.

Here's Zoe waiting patiently for her turn in the pool while sporting a woefully off center pony tail that I may be responsible for.

Zoe has an affinity for ostriches. Possibly related: I have seen and ostrich try to fight a giraffe.

This isn't the picture of Zoe on the train I meant to post, but here we are.

Here's Zoe kicking up a Mongol horde's worth of dust.

Niklas's bike riding could very easily be soundtracked by Deep Purple.

Here's Zoe getting ready to rock out on the log roller... thing.

It's hard to say which direction Zoe's going here as she refuse to adhere to the one way convention on the slide.

If Niklas's rollerblading has taught me anything, it's that he's very good at riding his bike.

Zoe is not much of one for giving others personal space.

This might look like a picture from months ago, but I assure you the weather has just been ridiculous.

"Daddy, let's play hide and seek. I will hide under here." - Zoe, not quite getting how hide and seek works

There was a three day period where Zoe felt that a sticker on the nose was the funniest thing ever.

Zoe is rolling thunder; she's the pouring rain.

Sometimes, Zoe gets bored with the tricycling.

I guess it's obvious by now, but Niklas really, really likes riding his bike. I took him out on the street the other day and he said
"Daddy, that was awesome!"

Some quiet times are quieter than others.

Here's Zoe fake sleeping in her new big girl bed which I guess I haven't mentioned until now.

Here's Niklas waiting for his class's turn at the big drama recital the other day. I haven't mentioned that either? Damn it.

This is Room 103 about to perform some Dr Seuss. I'll post some video of that directly. Ish. Directly-ish.

Here's Zoe just cold looking good.

Niklas's catching posture needs some work.

Batting stance is ok, though. Maybe a little upright.

Here's Niklas and I at the Pirate game today. One more thing that I failed to mention, it would seem.

Dr Goofy likes to break out his goofy face from time to goofy time.

Niklas ran the bases at Wrigley today. I guess this is his triumphant race pose, but who really knows.
