2013-07-14: Over a month since the last photo update and my house still hasn't been burned down.
You're slipping, mom! So, here's some stuff from the end of the Orioles season, our trip to Pennsylvania and Zoe being Zoe. Probably a bunch
of other stuff, too, it beeing over a month's worth and all. Captions are coming soon. I had about half of them done and then the computer
crashed and I shook my fists at it for a while and here we are. UPDATE: Captions have been added at great expense and the last minute.

Here's Zoe getting her medal for t-ball which is the best part of t-ball according to Zoe.

This is Niklas riding off into the sunset or, more accurately, a bunch of clouds.

And this is Zoe waiting for Niklas to come back after she got tired of tailing him.

Zoe's love of playing in the dirt is less of a problem when she's actually in a sandbox.

Here's Niklas showing off the face art he got at Alcott's field day.

This is from the Pirates' facebook page. Niklas looks thrilled to be at the game with me.

Here's Niklas crossing home plate at Wrigley. It's a good picture which is how you know I didn't take it.

This is Zoe's "I Love Ice Cream" face.

Here's Zoe showing off the massive Duplo thing she built using the entirety of her non-trivial Duplo arsenal.

Niklas's graduation from Kindergarten featured him shaking hands with top school officials.

Here's Zoe opening a birthday present from Josh. I apparently didn't take any pictures at her party the previous week, so there's that.

This is Zoe tricking someone else into carrying her for a change.

I assume this it the profile picture that will be on all coins after Zoe assumes her rightful place as Grand Empress of Earth.

Here's Niklas running around like a crazy person in his role as commander of Team Strike Force.

Meanwhile, Zoe heads up Team Wanton Destruction.

This, by the way, is the face that will make Zoe Grand Empress of Earth.

Here's Niklas digging a hole to bury himself in so he can bust out of the ground Zombie style.

This is Niklas and his friend Eli at Little Sluggers (which I guess you can get by reading their shirts).

Here's Niklas taking his last at bat as member of the Orioles. His coaches really helped him improve this year.

I've seen people less excited about the Stanley Cup than these guys were about these trophies.

Here we are at PNC Park. That's a typical Zoe face, these days.

Nothing like a Pirate Parrot hat to descrunchify a face.

Try to guess where Niklas is here.

Here's Zoe taking the escalator to the top of the Horseshoe Curve.

We timed our climb just right to see this train. To get the full effect of a train going around a massive curve, make and "eeeeeeeee" sound
really high pitchedly.

Here are these guys checking out the train. You'll note that it hasn't gotten to them yet, which kind of makes it a less than optimum picture
but neither kid is scowling, so there's that.

This is Niklas pointing to where we are not.

Horseshoe Curve presented many photo ops. This is one of them.

Niklas is either admiring his shot or watching Zoe run after his ball to pick it up. That's her thing, unfortunately.

Here we are hanging out for a bit while some people play through. Wrangling Zoe slows you down on the mini golf course.

This is Zoe about to ride the roller coaster at Sesame Place. She,uh, she smiled a bit less during the actual ride.

It's Grover! I'm a big fan of Grover, as are Niklas and Zoe.

Zoe was super excited to tell Zoe that her name was Zoe.

Those are Niklas's legs over on the far left.

Here's Niklas with what I believe is an eighties hardcore strut.

Andrya and Zoe had a great time on the balloon ride. Meanwhile, Niklas and I almost made ourselves sick by spinning the crap out of our

Here are Niklas and Zoe with a couple of heavy hitters on the Sesame Street.

Sesame Place has a three story net climbing deal. Here's Niklas on part of that.

The best part about this trip as opposed to when we brought Niklas here in 2009 is that now there's somebody else who can help the
three year old on the steep parts of the net. That someone is Niklas.

So they were on these nets for quite a while.

Here are Niklas and Zoe nigh out of gas toward the end of the day.

Niklas is pleased with his horse's performance.

Here are the kids on a firetruck. Jeez, there are a lot of pictures in this update.

This picture was taken at Zoe's request. I'm not sure why she wanted to commemorate eating doughnuts on the Fourth of July, but here we are.

Here are Andrya, Niklas and Zoe in front of Independence Hall on Independence Day.

This is Niklas in front of a bell of some repute.

"Let it be made by the finest workman" and if they're not available, some guys who are ok if they haven't been drinking too much.

Niklas battles Zoe for the title of Champion of the Universe on the knock hockey board Josh gave him.

Zoe does, in fact, like dem apples.

"This is too small. It must be for babies."
