September 2013
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September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
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January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
Well. I've been asleep at the switch for a while, but we're just about ready to resume regular updates. Work, extreme summer vacationing
and a Pirates season the likes of which has not been witnessed in 20 years have conspired to occupy my time, but the first two are wrapping
up, so here we are.
Today, Niklas continued his final week of science camp. It's Lego week, which is pretty much the greatest thing ever as far as Niklas is concerned.
Instead of pitching trips to the playground or bike riding after camp (as has been per usual the first three weeks), he's been constructing Lego
creations (sans instructions) in his room the last couple of afternoons. To sum up, Niklas is a big fan of Legos.
Zoe and I hit the playground today. She had a good time playing with some other kids and even refrained from punching some boy out when he
tackled her. "Daddy, he was a jerk, but I didn't hit him!" That is a noted improvement in her behavior, though she does still tend to try to
punch her brother out despite his general lack of jerkishness.
Pictures will be up soon. So, so many pictures.
So, today was Niklas's first day of the first grade. He was super psyched to go this morning and nothing happened to put him off of that,
so success. As is tradition, he failed to provide any sort of useful indication as to what he was up to all day, but I get the impression that
he learned some Mandarin Chinese based on the handouts he brought home.
Zoe doesn't start preschool until next week, so she and I hit the playground before it got too hot and then we hung out at home. We watched
some Little Einsteins and built as tall of a Duplo tower as physics and internal wind currents will allow.
Recently, Zoe hasn't been asking to sit "up-up high", which is to say, on my shoulders. This is awesome as I am lazy and also because
she's big enough to walk herself about. My whole plan for today was to write about how great she's doing with that, so it shouldn't shock
anyone that she acted like she was going to die if I didn't carry her about today. So, I guess we're still working on that.
Niklas's second day of first grade went well enough, but he reports that the school is too hot. He also informed me that Tuesday is gym day,
so that's two more things than I usually hear about.
