July 2013
May 2013
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March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012

July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
So, what's been up for the last couple of weeks? Lots of bike riding by Niklas and some tricycling by Zoe (though she often opts for bubble
blowing or flower picking while Niklas is pedaling about). Today, Niklas road his bike for 1.6 miles according to google maps, so that's
where he's at with that.
Zoe's big girl bed comes tomorrow, so she'll officially be able to come and go as she pleases from her bed. Of course, she's been unofficially
doing that for months as her climbing skills are unmatched, at least by other nigh three year olds I've seen out and about. The real question
is: how many times will she roll (or flop) herself out of the bed? I'm setting the over/under at three and a half, so place your bets.
Well, stuff's been busy this weekend. Niklas had baseball practice on Friday and then games on Saturday and Sunday. The Orioles continue to
improve and may have recorded legimate outs this weekend. Niklas hit the ball pretty well and displayed some impressive speed on the basepaths
which I assume is due to Zoe's constant insistance at racing him. Anyway, as is per usual, baseball for Niklas means playground
time for Zoe which is always popular with Zoe. Her love of swings is surpassed only by her love of digging holes in dirt. That is not
so popular with me or Andrya.
So, as I've been late with the pictures, here are some new pictures.
Well, it looks I picked the wrong couple of weeks to slack on updates. Zoe turned three last week. Three! I asked her how old she
was and she said "Two. No, three! I'm a three!" She's pretty excited about being three. Grandma and Papa Meeker came up the weekend before her
birthday to celebrate with her
as did Uncle Eric and Shauntona. She made out like a little bandit which adds a new dimension to her criminality which is usually
of a disturbing the peace or low grade assault type thing. So anyway, a fine time was had with that. On her actual birthday, I took her to
Pump It Up and then Andrya met Zoe, Niklas and I at the Burger Bar for dinner after work. Have I mentioned how excited I am that Zoe will pick a place
called the Burger Bar for her birthday dinner? I am very excited! In fact, when she and I met Jared and Zack out for lunch the following day,
she requested the Burger Bar again. (Note: that request was granted.)
The other big news lately has been Niklas's graduation from Kindergarten. They had a ceremony last Thursday which featured the kids performing a song and dance number called
"First Grade, Baby" that was sung to the tune of "Call Me, Maybe." I have choppy and incomplete video of that (thanks, phone that's starting to
show its age" that I'll post eventually. They also showed this fairly impressive video which you can check out if you've got forty minutes or
so to kill. Niklas shows up in it a few times.
Today was his last day of school. His report card was straight Ws (there on a W, P, B scale; Ws are what you want) and he annihilated his
last round of standardized testing. Well done, Niklas! We got him Mario Kart for the Wii as a reward, so that's what he'll be up for a while.
I also don't think I ever mentioned that Niklas rode his bike for over three miles a few weeks ago including some time using the bike lanes on
the street. I went with him using my skates. We learned that two and a half miles is a good distance for Niklas to ride his bike; that last
half mile was rough on him. "Can we walk home?" "You know, we're only two blocks from home here." "Yeah, I know that. Can we walk?" "No."
